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Desislava Senay Martinova

Görsel sanatçı

Visual artist

1987 yılında Bulgaristan'da doğan Desislava Şenay Martinova, Aydın Doğan İletişim Lisesi'ndeki gazetecilik eğitiminin ardından Mimar Sinan Güzel Sanatlar Üniversitesi'nde öğrenmeye gayret etti. Radikal, Milliyet, Bianet gibi kurumlar için haber ve fotoğraflar üretti, yurtiçi ve yurtdışında aralarında İstanbul Modern, Photokina, Studio Vortex ve Arles Fotoğrafçılar Buluşması'nın da bulunduğu çeşitli sergilere katıldı, ödüller kazandı, sempozyumlarda konuştu, paylaştı. Kadrolu, sözleşmeli veya korsan olarak dersler verdi. Hayatına sırt çantası ile devam etmektedir.

DSM was born in Haskovo, during big excursion of Turkish people from Bulgaria in 1987, then fled to İstanbul with her family. She was an extremely successful student till high scholl which is an Anatolian Vocational High School when she started journalism. Then she started to interest in culture and art also demonstrations. After that period, university followed; Mimar Sinan Fine Arts Univesity, Photography Department.(BFA&MFA)Credits were lower but her exhibitions getting more and more, artist residencies were accepting her and she started travelling free. She participated to several symposiums and workshops, also contributed to collective exhibitions such as in Istanbul Modern Museum, Rencontres d'Arles and Studio Vortex by Antoine D’Agata. Her projects take a main focus on inner and deeper face of ubiquity and ordinary. Her main concepts of focus are representation, belongingness and intimacy. She tries to represent her own days of misery, nothingness, emptiness, crime and pain as the unavoidable results of power relations, war and immigration

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